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Ferries/bus fares?


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Hi i'm hoping someone can help as i'm getting in a right mucking fuddle here!


I live west of Sydney, about 40mins from cbd, tomorrow my mum, me and two kiddies are off to manly sea aquarium. I will be catching bus into cbd then ferry to manly, which is fine as have done this a few times, but my dilemma is which ticket do i buy? When i've been before it's been on a sunday so it's just $2.50 each for the funday sunday pass! I've tried looking on various different websites for prices etc and i thought the mymulti2 was what i'd need but have also read i can't use them on manly ferries!!


I guess i'm hoping someone who travels alot on public transport may have some advice ~ no worries if not i just thought i'd put it out there. I'm thinking it may be cheaper to drive and pay parking, which i know for 4 hrs is $16!


Many thanks :0)

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I don't know quite how it works either. If your Mum is over 60, she should have a Seniors Card, which means it costs $2.50 maximum anywhere in Sydney.


Then there is a family deal which may be of use to you? Driving may be cheaper, but will it be more or less stressful?


[h=1]Family Fare deal[/h]



[h=3]At a glance[/h]Who family groupsWhat Family Fare dealHow it works all adult members of the family group and one child must hold a valid ticket. All additional children travel free.Note:






If you travel in a family group you can take advantage of this deal for travel on government transport services, including Sydney and Intercity trains, Sydney Buses, Sydney Ferries and Newcastle buses and ferries.

On Sundays you and your family could also travel using Family Funday Sunday tickets.

[h=2]How the Family Fare deal works[/h]All adult members of the family group and one child must hold a valid ticket. All additional children travel free. Everyone in the group must be a member of the same family.

Valid adult tickets include MyMulti, MyTrain, MyBus and MyFerry tickets (including concessions), Newcastle tickets and Pensioner Excursion Tickets.

Family Fare deals are not available on private buses or ferries, light rail, or tourism and some special event buses. If you are using a MyMulti ticket and travelling on light rail, any additional children must also purchase a valid ticket.

Children must be under 16 years of age or hold a NSW Senior Secondary Student Transport Concession Card.

[h=2]Fares[/h]All adult members and one child in the family group must hold a valid ticket. All additional children travel free.

[h=2]Family Fare deal terms and conditions[/h]Find out more about Family Fare deal terms and conditions.

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